see_are_uh Jun 16, 2007 13:53
actor: michelle pfeiffer, actor: elijah kelley, actor: queen latifah, actor: john travolta, actor: zac efron, actor: nikki blonsky, actor: amanda bynes, movie: hairspray, musical: the bee
see_are_uh Jun 06, 2007 20:29
best friends: eric, la familia: hannah [hsm hannah], family friends: jenna, actor: alan h. green, family friends: gil, movie: beerfest, movie: super troopers, actor: andrew kober, actor: jared stein, family: ashley, book: fast food nation, family: sarah, best friends: hannah, movie: hairspray, actor: chuck rea, family: brittany, actor: ben roseberry, the everything test, la familia: britt, family: taylor, bootlegs, actor: dana steingold, actor: angelica lee aspiras, musical: the bee